Best Surf Spots In Los Angeles

Best Surf Spots In Los Angeles

When people think of LA, surfing is often one of the first things to come to mind. With about 75 miles of coastline between Malibu and Long Beach, there are lots of beach options for the novice beginner and the seasoned pro. Whether you're looking for slow, mellow, and consistent waves, or if you're looking for something bigger and stronger, you'll want to check out these popular surf spots among the LA surf crowd:


El Porto / Manhattan Beach

If you're looking for a classic SoCal beach with white sand, boardwalks, and volleyball courts, then El Porto is a perfect spot to go surfing. Like many Cali beaches, the waves tend to be bigger in the winter and smaller in the summer, so it can be a great spot for anyone depending on the time of year. After your surf session head over to one of the many restaurants and shops along the coastline!


You've most likely seen this iconic beach in movies and TV shows, it sits right off of Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu and is extremely popular among beginner surfers and tourists. There are 3 different points at this beach, making it a good spot for a variety of levels. The first two are great for long boarders and the third is best for first-timers, but they are all perfect spots for beginners just learning how to surf.


Zuma beach is a little further up PCH so you'll see less of a crowd than at Surfrider, plus it has a sandy-bottom beach break making it a very popular surf spot for locals. There are volleyball courts and picnic tables also in case you're planning a full day hangout at the beach after surfing!

Leo Carrillo

This family-friendly beach is great for beginner to intermediate surfers looking for consistent waves. There are lots of rock formations that make Leo Carrillo beautiful, plus there is a state park and campsite nearby. After your surf sesh, head up to one of the many beautiful hikes that overlook the ocean!

County Line

Just as the name implies, this spot is up north on the edge of LA County. It's more geared towards Intermediate or Advanced surfers, and with all the different swells and breaks you'll be sure to have a great time surfing at County Line.



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