What's In Our Gym Bag? The Essentials You Need For Your Next Workout

What's In Our Gym Bag? The Essentials You Need For Your Next Workout

Is one of your New Year's resolutions to workout more? Congrats! That's a great start to your year, and knowing what to pack in your gym bag will make your workout go a little smoother. Be honest with yourself about what you need, and pass on the unnecessary items such as a nail file, extra juice, or old equipment  (we don't really need these things).


When you take a more minimal approach to your gym bag, you'll be more likely to actually go and have a great time. To make it a little easier for you, we've collected the must-have items to throw in your bag before you head out the door!


1. Headphones

A must-have in almost everyone's bag is a good set of headphones. Whether it's small ear buds or larger over the ear headphones, having a banging playlist while you workout is a necessity! 


2. Reusable Water Bottle

Add less plastic consumption to your New Year's resolution this year! Bring a reusable water bottle that you can fill up while you're at the gym so you can cut down on the plastic bottles. Who wants dozens of empty plastic water bottles in their gym bag anyways?


3. Gym Clothes and Shoes

This is a given, but make sure you pack clothing appropriate for the workout you're headed to! Is it an outdoor yoga class? Then pack a UPF50+ Tutublue suit that will move with your body while keeping your skin protected from the sun while you workout. 


4. Hair Ties

For our ladies (and men!) with longer hair,  keep a few extra hair ties in your bag in case the one you're wearing snaps. Nothing is worse than having a broken hair tie and having to workout with your hair down!


5. Towel

Some gyms have them to borrow, but we like to keep a towel from home in our bag instead. Use it to wipe your face throughout your workout or to place on your mat before you lay down!


6. Massage Ball or Foam Roller

One of the most important parts of a workout is how well you wind-down afterwards. Set time after you're done to roll out your muscles with a massage ball or foam roller so you can give your muscles a proper chance to heal and recover!


7. Shower/Bathroom Essentials

Before you jump in the car to your next errand, clean up a bit post workout so you don't feel completely gross. Throw some cleansing wipes, dry shampoo, hairbrush, and deodorant in your bag so you can tidy up before lunch!


8. Snack

The best way to finish a workout is by fueling up afterwards. Have a protein bar, walnuts, or fruit in your bag so you can heal your body after a strenuous workout.


There you have it! The perfectly packed gym bag for your next workout. Let us know in the comments below what you'd add to our list!


  • altheqa

    انواع القرميد
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  • altheqa

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  • altheqa

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    واجهات حجر هاشمي ازازى لواجهه منزلك
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  • altheqa

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    اسعار حجر هاشمي كريمي بالتفصيل

  • altheqa

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    ما المقصود بحجر هاشمي

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